Final International Conference – Athens, Greece

With great pleasure and pride, we have implemented the final activity of our project. Our lead partner, the Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs – I.R.T.E.A. organized the International Conference “Digital Transformation and Tools for Local Authorities”, on Thursday, December 14, 2023, from 15:00 to 20:00, 59 young participants, including 9 representatives of project partners, were hosted at Amalia Hotel and attended the three panels of the Conference.

The event included a set of three Panels:

  • “SMART Cities – Digital Transformation of the Local Government”,
  • “Youth Participation and Digital Transformation”
  • “Participatory Democracy: Youth Initiatives”.
From the implementation of the Final Conference in Athens, Greece

During the panels, the participants had the chance to hear from esteemed experts, in the field of digital participation tools and platforms, including founders of such platforms, academics, as well as representatives from the CERV contact points in Greece. Moreover, the panels gave the

One of the key aspects of the Event was the presentation and dissemination of the final tangible project result of the DCP v.2.0, namely the “Manual on civic e-participation tools”.

This manual, collectively created by all project partners, includes platforms and tools from partner countries (Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, and Romania) and practices that have brought significant changes at the European level in general.

You can find the Manual here and explore the world of e-civic participation tools and platforms!

The Event gave the space to participants to pose their questions and remarks to the speakers, while the last panel included an interactive workshop on its theme, thus, allowing young participants to discuss and collaborate on expressing their ideas and opinions on participatory tools and methods as well as the ways of using and further sharing the Manual on civic e-participation tools.

Overall, the Event succeeded to reach its main purpose, which were to present and disseminate the manual on civic e-participation tools, to bring together young people, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders and work on future cooperation and implementation of the manual at local level.

Find out more about the Event and its Report here